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Nintendo Revolution pictures from GDC

by Steven Williamson on 23 March 2006, 10:50

Tags: Nintendo Wii, Nintendo (TYO:7974), Wii

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Revolution shown at GDC

Pictures of the Nintendo Revolution, taken at the Game Developer's Conference in San Jose, have appeared on Revolution Report.com.

The console is described as 'shockingly small' and 'thicker than previous versions of the hardware'.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata is due to address the audience with his keynote speech later today where, hopefully, he'll tell us about the design and functionality of the console.

For more pics head to: Revolution Report

HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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It does look real good, I have to say - they got rid of the mystery port at the back too
Looks awful imo…but…never judge a book by its cover ;)
Looks awful imo…but…never judge a book by its cover ;)

I've heard you say that to all the ladies :D

The system looks quite good though, it sort of reminds me of the silverstone case with the blue flash down the front of it.

As for the controller - NOW that looks interesting, I wonder how many reports we are going to get of people strangled by their opponents while playing the revolution :)
IMO looks nice, also to myself seems more appealing then the Xbox360 :) but thats just my opinion ^ ^ buuut FF7 remake still swingin me towards ps3, thats if they go ahead with it :P
looks very nice and pwetty, much more so than the 360 or ps3..nice and small too :) Of course I am heavily biased, but still…I want one