Wii exclusive The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
by Steven Williamson
on 15 June 2010, 17:09
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii) ,
Nintendo (TYO:7974),
Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaypw
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Exclusively for Wii, Skyward Sword will make use of Wii Motion Plus and the Wii Remote will be used to control the sword and the Nunchuck as the shield.
Nintendo has redefined the control system rather than refine it and all actions will require "realistic motions," such as shaking the Nunchuck to roll. Looks like there's going to be a whip in the game too that allows you to pick up items and kill enemies with a flick of Wii Remote. More details should be available shortly after the conference, including the first screenshots and trailer. It looks far more physically demanding than previous Zelda games that's for sure!