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Get tooled up with 8-in-1 Wii-mote weapon set

by Steven Williamson on 2 January 2008, 09:36

Tags: Nintendo Wii, Nintendo (TYO:7974), Wii

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Now here's a great way to scare the parents. Dragon Electronics has released an 8 in 1 weapon kit for Wii that lets you disguise your wii-mote as a number of scary looking weapons, which are specially designed for Wii action,fighting or shooting light gun games, including an axe and a dagger.

Worried parents will be glad to know that the weapons are made from "soft materials" so hopefully no family member will suffer any mishap. Don't get waving your accessories in the street though, otherwise you could end up down the cop shop.

Just think of the virtual carnage you could cause, and all for just $25. Sweet.

Source :: Shop4Tech via Engadget

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The gun shell looks a bit more useable than Nintendo's offering.