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Clip-on screen for your PS3?

by Nick Haywood on 15 August 2007, 09:12

Tags: PlayStation 3, Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PS3

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Make your PS3 portable with a clip-on screen?

From the files of “Possibly the worst accessory ever” comes the 7” LCD clip-on screen for the PS3, from NEVOVER... no, really, it’s true!

I’ve been looking at NEVOVER's page for the PS3 screen for the last fifteen minutes and I still can’t see why I’d want one...

I mean, it’s not as is the PS3 is the most portable of consoles as it outweighs both the Xbox 360 and Wii. And why would I spend some premium wonga on a PS3 if I didn;t have some sort of screen to run it through... and any screen has got to be better than a 7” LCD with a native resolution of 480x234...

And yes, I know I could stick it all in my car but come on, would you really?

Anyway, here’s the system specs if you’re interested:
1.Special design for PS3
2.Flip down design mounts securely onto console
3. High resolution color TFT LCD display panel for crystal clear viewing
4. On-screen display controls
5. High speed signal refresh rate optimized for playing fast-action games
6.Adujustable viewing screen angle
7.Dual earphone jacks
8.screen earphone down completely when not in use
LCD Size: TFT 7"
Support System: NTSC/PAL
Pixel: 480H*3(R,G,B)*234V
Dimension: 166mm(W)*100mm(H)*5.8mm(D)
Light Source: LED
Operating Voltage: DC 12V
Operating Current: 1.5A
Audio Input: 0.3-1.0VRMS
Speaker Spec: 8ohms/1W*2 Stereo
Operating Temperature: 0-40 degrees centigrade

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Somebody thourght it was a good idea, and some other fool will probably buy it.
no - just no :D