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Sony offer refund for faulty PS3 store games

by Steven Williamson on 13 August 2007, 10:36

Tags: PlayStation 3, Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PS3

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Technical issues surface in PsOne games on PS3

Due to significant technical issues with two titles currently available on the PS3's online store, Sony has today confirmed that customers will be issued with a full refund within the next seven days.

Sony has acted on the issue following a number of complaints regarding the Playstation 'classic' games, Spyro 2 and MediEvil; both of which have severe technical difficulties whilst running on the Playstation 3.

Spyro 2 has now been removed from the online store, but MediEvil is still available for purchase despite the fact that it doesn't support a number of Playstation peripherals, therefore a number of modes such as multiplayer and co-op will not be functional.

Sony has also recently removed Crash Bandicoot 2 from the store, although a working version is still said to be in the pipeline.

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