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European PS3 owners will get Gran Turismo for free

by Steven Williamson on 26 February 2007, 09:18

Tags: PlayStation 3, Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PS3

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Sony are adding to the range of free goodies they're giving away to early Playstation 3 adoptors in Europe. Early this month, the company announced that the first 500,000 people to register their console on the Playstation 3 network will receive a Blu-Ray copy of the James Bond film, Casino Royale and now Sony say that there will be a free download of Gran Turismo, which was also released for free in the US in December. We're currently uncertain whether the download will be available to all PS3 owners or just those who buy the console early. (We'd guess it would be the former, but check back later for clarification). Other apparent 'freebies' will include a trial download of a golf game (TBA).

Is it enough though? Gamers are already disillusioned by the recent announcement that they''ll be receiving a cheaper 'cost reducing' console in Europe, without any sign of a price drop.

Hiroshi Kamide, director of research and game expert at KBC Securities Japan in Tokyo summed it up perfectly when he commented on the European PS3 launch. "They have to sweeten the deal a little bit," he said. "The problem with the product so far is that no one has fully understood why it’s so expensive."

Rumours over the weekend are also suggesting that Sony are planning to use the revised PS3 for future shipments in North America. Sony have neither denied or confirmed the rumour.

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Cut backward compat and give GT for free… I dont think it makes up for it but its something :)
i should bloody hope we get Gran Turismo HD for free, its not a full game, anything like a full game. i dont think this should be news to anyone.

“Other apparent ‘freebies’ will include a trial download of a golf game (TBA).” - oh goody they give us a trial of a golf game fro free???!!! There spoiling us!

if this is the best they can come up with, letting us know that at least we'll get 2 demo's for free, thats bad….
Ah yes I forgot that you have to pay extra for more or less everything in the game :\
“Other apparent ‘freebies’ will include a trial download of a golf game (TBA).” - oh goody they give us a trial of a golf game fro free???!!! There spoiling us!

We'll be getting some more free trial games as well :O_o1: Fantastic!
Ah yes I forgot that you have to pay extra for more or less everything in the game :\

nope that was the original plan, but they decided to abort GT HD and concentrate on GT5, so GT HD has become a free download with a dozen or so cars and 1 track. nothing else to buy at all