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F.E.A.R coming to PS3 - new screenshots revealed

by Steven Williamson on 18 August 2006, 09:44

Tags: F.E.A.R. (PS3) , Vivendi Universal Interactive (NYSE:VIV), FPS

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Sierra Entertainment, a division of Vivendi Games, today announced that the award-winning F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon), is currently in development for the Playstation 3 and is scheduled to launch during November 2006.

Already a critical and commercial smash on the PC, F.E.A.R. will bring a new level of FPS game play to Playstation 3 with exclusive single player content designed to immerse the player deeper in the world of the F.E.A.R. team, as well as the visceral action of F.EA.R. multi-player.

Developed by Day 1 Studios in conjunction with Monolith Productions, F.E.A.R is a paranormal action thriller presented entirely in first person. An unprecedented adrenaline rush of close quarters combat seamlessly melded with the spine-tingling, shocking intensity of the paranormal unknown.

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HEXUS Forums :: 19 Comments

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Looks yummy.
Looks blurry - much like most other PS3 screenshot I've seen.
It looks very bad compared to the PC version, textures are very low, and the models arent as full.. a lot of the shader effects are off as well… and this is supposed to be the ‘great’ PS3 with a Geforce 7 based GPU? Alma doesnt even have a nose or eye sockets.. its a flat face.. wth? The lighting effects looks nothing like on the PC one too, specially the ones where the flames are leaping down the corridor after Alma.

Jeez. PS3 is not looking good…

Then again, why buy something thats a lot more expensive, got similar graphical capability, hardware that isn't working yet, and same games on both it and Xbox 360? And games costing a clear £10-20 more.. wheres the incentive?

The Wii is going to win this round hands down. Pure fun. Pure cheapness.
Am I wrong in saying that the PC version looks better :/
Everyone expects the PS3 graphics to be on par with PC graphics… it won't happen I'm afraid. Geforce 7900 isn't even up to the X1900 which is effectively what the Xbox has except its improved somewhat, unified and whatnot :). But anyway I didn't think it was about the graphics for the sony since that always happens, Xbox graphics > Sony Graphics > Nintendo graphics. But who cares? A console is supposed to be for gameplay…