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EU PLAYSTATION store update

by Steven Williamson on 7 December 2007, 09:06

Tags: PlayStation 3, Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PS3

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6th December - PSN update

The Playstation Store has veen updated with very little content this week, but it does include a full demo of the Eidos shooter, Kane & Lynch Dead Men and a couple of add-ons for Motorstorm and Folklore.

This week's update:

- Kane & Lynch: Dead Men Demo (free) (840MB)

- Motorstorm (2 cars: Domino & Adventure)

- Folklore (The Origin of Belgae Pack: 4 missions, 1 Folk & 1 Ellen Costume)

- Mesmerise Theme (free)
- Tori Emaki Theme (free)
- Heavenly Sword Theme (free)
- Motorstorm Theme (free)
- Snakeball Theme (free)
- Lemmings Theme (free)
- Killzone 2 Theme (free)
- SingStar Theme (free)

Game Videos
- Metal Gear Online TGS 2007 Trailer (free)
- Metal Gear Solid 4 Trailer (free)
- Blazing Angels 2 Trailer (free)

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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Cool - def going to get the Motorstorm add-on :)
Yeah, dont know about that kane and lynch demo though:puke:, might be worth popping into the us store because thats got a timeshift multiplayer demo.
You got uncharted yet barrichello?
Yeah, dont know about that kane and lynch demo though:puke:, might be worth popping into the us store because thats got a timeshift multiplayer demo.
You got uncharted yet barrichello?

No not yet, - played through the unchartered demo - amazing game. Its on my xmas wishlist though so have to see if “santa” brings it :)

Besides been so busy playing Tekken online not had much time for anything else :juggle:
I've got tekken online now, will have to add ya and give ya a game, i'm not that good so your probably kick my ring around the ring!!, GavTech is my ps name.