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PS3 version of God of War III in development, say Sony

by Steven Williamson on 7 November 2007, 11:16

Tags: God of War III, Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PS3, Action/Adventure

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Director quits, but God of War III still on...

Following the departure of the director of Sony Computer Entertainment America's Santa Monica development studio and the God of War II director, Cory Barlog who has left the company to 'pursue other opportunities', it's been confirmed in a statement by Sony that God of War III is indeed in development for the Playstation 3.

"Moving forward, we are confident in the God of War team, as they are an extremely talented group of people that are passionate about the franchise and dedicated to creating even more epic content with God of War: Chains of Olympus for the PSP and God of War III for PS3, " the spokesperson told 1up.

The next installment in the series will be released on the PSP this Spring, in the form of God of War: Chains of Olympus. A release date has yet to be confirmed for God Of War III.

Source :: 1Up

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