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How to tweak your PS3 for better performance

by Nick Haywood on 15 October 2007, 09:55

Tags: PlayStation 3, Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PS3

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A tweak here, a tweak there...

An enterprising fellow over on the forums at PlayStation.com has posted a brief guide on what basic settings to turn on or off to maximise the performance of the PS3:

Hi, I've found the following improvements for better and smoother framerates for ps3 games. Like set the BD/DVD upscaler set off,HDMI 24fps off, HDMI audio set on bitstream, PS2 upscaler/smoother set off. Disable system display notify/ mediaserver off / all other automatic setting set to off / internet disable if not multiplaying and other setting etc will all help improve framerates.

I tested all the games with HDMI 720p, and all games runs more smoother, speed and more responsive, I think cell dont have to spend time in the background from those settings before.

Let us know if this also helps the framerates for you too.

I've yet to try it myself but replies on the forum indicate it works.

This does raise the question, as some posters have said, that if this can be done to improve performance, how come it isn't being coded into the games... and the more pertinent question is "Why should I have to turn off stuff just to get my PS3 running at decent framerates?"

Seems that the old "it's harder to code on a PS3" claim might have some weight to it...

Anyway, why not give it a go and let us know how you get on?

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