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New downloads available from the Playstation Store

by Steven Williamson on 5 October 2007, 10:51

Tags: PlayStation 3, Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PS3

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The weekly Playstation store update includes new games, demos, tutorials and a number of trailers to whet your appetite.

First up, you can grab a copy of Go! Sports Ski, which you'll be un-surprised to hear is a skiing simulator that harnesses the SIXAXIS wireless controller to twist, turn and pull off tricks.

You'll also find playable demos of The Simpsons and Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War, alongside tutorials for NBA 08 and Eye Of Judgement.

There are three new trailers: Uncharted Drake's Fortune, Surf's Up and Tekkonkinkreet and finally a developer interview for the drug-heavy FPS, Haze.


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