Launching worldwide from February 22, 2012, PS Vita’s 3G and Wi-Fi models will be available in Vodaphone stores in the UK, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal, New Zealand and the Netherlands.
As the ‘preferred provider’ of PS Vita’s 3G connectivity, Vodaphone will offer both models with a SIM card, though customers will be able to buy the device from stores and use another service provider. To tempt customers to buy from Vodaphone, however, Sony will offer a PlayStation Network voucher that allows anyone who purchases the hand-held from the mobile phone carrier to download Wipeout 2048 free of charge.

PlayStation Vita goes on sale in Europe on February 22nd, with the Vodafone 3G/Wi-Fi Vita priced at €299.99; the Wi-Fi only model will sell for €249.99.
It’s currently unclear which games will be available at launch, but Sony says that more than 80 games are currently in production from first and third party studios including: "LittleBigPlanet," "Wipeout 2048," "Resistance: Burning Skies," "Uncharted Golden Abyss," Ubisoft's "Assassin's Creed and " EA Sports' "FIFA.”
The system will offer five hours of video playback or nine hours of your favourite music, as well as aa variety of social networking and communications services such as Facebook, foursquare, Skype, and Twitter.
Check out our favourite games for Vita’s launch