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Jumpgate Evolution - PC

by Nick Haywood on 22 July 2008, 09:47

Tags: Jumpgate Evolution, Codemasters, PC, Simulation

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaogo

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HEXUS Forums :: 7 Comments

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Any idea how they are going to distinguish themselves from the already established and popular mmo eve?.

If its just an eve copy i can't see it doing anything. What if any are its unique selling points?

In a chat with the Codies when this was announced, they said to think of it as a cross between Freelancer and Privateer… basically an action orientated space-trading game.

I really hope that's the case.
Any idea how they are going to distinguish themselves from the already established and popular mmo eve?.

If its just an eve copy i can't see it doing anything. What if any are its unique selling points?
I think the main one is that you supposedly feel in control of your flying.
Is it just me? I'm having problems accessing any of your “gaming” stories - it says remote server down.
It's working for me here… anyone else having trouble?