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Omega Sektor - Intel, Xbox 360 booths and more!

by Steven Williamson on 30 September 2006, 10:30

Tags: Sony Online Entertainment (NYSE:SNE)

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Xbox 360 booths

Leading from reception, gamers will travel down a path of history, as Intel demonstrate the changes in technology over the last 40 years.

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Housed in a special "floating" environment, will be 20 PCs that will be powered by the very latest in technology. Incorpating the Intel Core 2 Duo Extreme processors, these gaming PCs will be the fastest available for public use anywhere in the World.

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The Xbox 360 zone will be something never before seen in the UK. New seated console booths, fitting 2 people that will enable head to head play as well as all being connected to one another and on to XBOX Live.

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Omega Sektor are still on target with their plans for Birmingham, and expect to be fully open in early December, but of course this depends on a huge number of factors. "Our builders are telling us 8 weeks or so for build, so we are in their hands," said Dominic.

For further details on our coverage of Omega Sektor see our : Interview with Dominic Mulroy, info on the initial plans and Sujoy Roy of ESReality.com explains Building the Ultimate Gaming Centre. [advert]

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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OMG that place looks like heaven!!
such a shame about the monitors and lack of mouse space, i just dont understand these people, why with this much space would you want to cram in as many spaces as possible you want to make it as comfortable and spacious as possible.
every UK gaming event will be held here i can tell. which sucks …
such a shame about the monitors and lack of mouse space, i just dont understand these people, why with this much space would you want to cram in as many spaces as possible you want to make it as comfortable and spacious as possible.
every UK gaming event will be held here i can tell. which sucks …
Not sure why you think it sucks that every gaming competition will be held here. While I doubt I will be going to this kind of place I do think its good that gamers have a place to play and congregate, will also mean having a venue will show it is an established sport.

I think the difficulty they will have is keeping people interested enough, because while everyone likes a game there will be masses of stat-hoes (and Wendel ‘haters but emulators’) to ruin it for casual gamers.
Looks great but the ROI they're going to get is going to a tad limited I think.
I mean they're aiming this at the hardcore gamer, not your general run of the mill public, and I imagine their per-hour pricing will reflect this. Its not going to be a “internet cafe”, which will limit the number of people going there. I mean are you honestly going to go all the way to Birmingham pay £x to park then pay £x to play something.

That much floorspace has got to cost a FORTUNE in Birmingham - and I can't see it being busy Monday-Friday 9 - 5. I'm already asking myself, what revenue is this place honestly going to generate?

I've seen so many of these places come and go in the past that I really thought people would have just given up on the concept.

Good luck too them though - hope it does well.