Without further ado...
Number 2 – Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect is more than just a videogame. It’s a sci-fi entertainment experience, a cinematic showcase and an epic novel rolled into one. The original game was magnificent enough, but the second game in the series improved in a number of areas, with the micro-management aspect of the first game and the RPG-style combat system stripped down to give the game more of a focus on action. Mining for probes is probably one of the most boring things that we've ever done in a video game, but Mass Effect 2 makes up for its few inconsistencies in so many other areas, providing an immersive game world filled with mysterious uncharted planets and alien life forms.
Mass Effect 2 incorporates an innovative dialogue system where your choices affect the outcome of each situation, meaning that the storyline can often branch off in a way that you weren't expecting. As a result, Mass Effect 2 is a deep and involving experience that will suck away at your time and keep you totally immersed. There aren't many games that can grasp your attention from the out-set and manage to keep you totally wrapped up in its gameplay from beginning to end, but Mass Effect 2 does that magnificently

Stay tuned for our top pick.