A surreal experience
Wario Ware: Smooth MovesWhilst it’s true that Wario Ware: Smooth Moves did sell very well, we still know many Wii owners who haven’t given it a try. Shame on them!
The guys who designed the 200 so micro games in Smooth Moves are absolutely nuts. Not everyone’s going to enjoy or understand the bizarre games, but it doesn’t stop it from being one of the most fun, original and inventive game on Wii.
Smooth Moves is a physical game that makes excellent use of the motion-sensing controller by making you do all sorts of weird and wacky things from holding the Wii-mote to your nose like an elephant to slashing it across the screen like a sword.
It’s a difficult game to describe unless you’ve played it - it’s absolutely bonkers, but incredibly innovative.
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves is best played with a group of people. You’ll have a blast.
Current price: |
£32.99 |
Official website: |
Smooth Moves |
Check back next week for our look at the five must-have Nintendo DS games that you may have missed.