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GDC: The next generation of Mobile Gaming from Nokia

by Steven Williamson on 21 March 2006, 10:36

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Mobile gaming

Gregg Sauter, director of games publishing at Nokia, has revealed the company's plans to introduce 250 million smartphones by 2008.

Sauter said that Nokia take mobile gaming seriously and want to give consumers an improved downloading experience and a more stable game playing experience. Nokia will be addressing current download failure rates, offering new user interface design for "holistic experience" and a favourable end-to-end experience.

"A platform must be something that is stable and that offers a solid foundation. The smartphone program offers a variety of tools and services for game developers", Sauter commented.

In the speech Sauter also claimed that Nokia's smartphones consumers are currently downloading five times more gaming content than other mobile phone users. He claims that the smartphones are "as powerful as some of the games consoles you currently use," boasting "incredible graphics and large memory footprints."

Nokia claim to be committed to the mobile gaming market for the forseeable future.

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