Logitech CEO Guerrino De Luca says that Revue stock will not be replenished, telling investors that there are "no plans to introduce another box to replace Revue"
The Revue was a launch partner for Google TV in December 2010, but De Luca blames the platform for being "incomplete" when it was released, while also acknowledging the company’s mistakes for its own failings.
“It’s not a mistake of intention, it’s not a mistake of strategy, it’s a mistake of implementation of a gigantic nature,” said De Souza in a conference call earlier this week.
“To make the long story short, we thought we had invented [sliced] bread and we just made them. [We made a commitment to] just build a lot because we expected everybody to line up for Christmas and buy these boxes [at] $300 [...] that was a big mistake.”

De Luca did go on to say that he believes there is still a future for Google TV.
“The integration of television in Internet is inevitable. But the idea that it would happen overnight in Christmas 2010 was very misguided and that also caused us dearly,” he said.
Indeed, Google TV has just launched a major new update. The latest version adds the Android Market, which features hundreds of apps, including many designed and optimised for television. It will also feature a simpler interface styled like the Android 3.0 UI for tablets and smartphones.
Google promises much-improved performance, better search functionality and “better integration with Android and iOS devices.” Though there’s no sign of Google+ integration, Google says it has made it easier for viewers to watch YouTube videos and search for content that you want to watch.
Additionally, Sony applications will include ‘TrackID,’ which searches and identifies music heard on television broadcasts, or streaming video, while ‘Sony Select’ will showcase featured apps in an easy-to-browse manner.
You can read Logitech’s investor call in full here.