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Jury finds Taser responsible for man's death

by Parm Mann on 11 June 2008, 10:46

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The controversial stun-gun, Taser, has been found responsible for the death of 40-year-old Robert Heston Jr.

The ruling marks the first major in-court loss for Taser International and a federal jury in San Jose, California, has awarded Mr Heston Jr's family $6 million in punitive and compensatory damages.

Taser International had previously remained surprisingly successful throughout numerous courtroom hearings. According to reports, it had won 69 hearings in succession.

That all changed late last week, when an autopsy found that Mr Heston Jr., who had an enlarged heart due to long-term drug abuse, died due to the combination of methamphetamine intoxication and Taser shock.

An attorney for Mr Heston's family called the verdict a "landmark decision", and a near 12 per cent drop in Taser International's stock followed shortly after.

Despite Taser's controversial product, orders continue to be made in large numbers. In New York City, an additional 520 Tasers are to be made available to police officers in the near future.

Taser International, meanwhile, has attempted to downplay its role in Mr Heston's death by issuing a press release that states "TASER ECD contributed 15 per cent to the death of Robert C. Heston".

Amnesty International, a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognised human rights, has repeatedly issued concerns regarding the use of Taser devices. It states that over 245 documented deaths have occurred following the use of Tasers.

How do you feel about the Taser stun-gun? Is it an effective law enforcement weapon, or is it too dangerous? Share your thoughts in the HEXUS forums.

HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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Fancy a go at this one Nick?
ive hated tasers since i saw a video of a US cop using one on a woman who was refusing to hang up her phone, sure she wasnt listening to him but what danger was he in? was she going to hang up and chuck it at him? they should be banned or only given to trained cops not every cop and his dog
We i suppose being hit wit a taser has a better survival rate than a real gun.
I would like to know the answers to a couple of questions:
A: Since when does the human body “store” a few ZAPS of electric current for a period of 30 hours before finally killing someone? That' really a new one on me.
I've spoken to electricians who have been zapped numerous times on their jobs while doing repairs and they seem to be very much alive to this day.
B: It's my understanding that when a criminal act is committed; it matters NOT, who the person was/is that fired the shot; it is the perpetrator's fault in all instances if a death occurs. Here is a case where Mr. Heston attacked his father, the police were called and he attacked the three of them. They used a Taser and unfortunately, due to drugs and an enlarged heart, the stress and strain of that activity, caused the man to have a heart attack and die. Did the Taser REALLY cause it? How many people die annually from enlarged hearts just because they engage in a sport activity. Who should get sued then?
I think that the jury and the judge were very out of line with this finding, but then again, that is just my opinion. Do many of you agree?
I see a lawsuit, a settlement, and some profiteering.

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