Quick Fire Round
Ok, time for the famous HEXUS ‘quick-fire’ questions… This is just a bit of fun for the need of the interview, so just give us the first answer that comes into your head!
HEXUS: Guns or Knives?
Jose : knives
Edmond : Guns
Tony S : Knives....you ever tried cutting a steak with a gun??
HEXUS: McDonald’s or Burger King?
Jose : Mc Donald´s
Edmond : Burger King
Tony S : Burger king
HEXUS: Smoke grenades or flash bangs?
Jose : flash bangs
Edmond : Smoke grenades
Tony S: Flash Bangs....short shard shock effect
HEXUS: Boxers or Y-fronts?
Jose : Boxers
Edmond : Boxers
Tony S : Boxers..y fronts on the misses.
Jose : MP5
Edmond : MP5
Tony S : MP5, one well placed round beats a spray that misses.
Bon Jovi or Whitesnake?
Jose : Whitesnake
Edmond : Bon Jovi
Tony S : Trousersnake??? maybe bon jovi
HEXUS: Royal Marines or SAS?
Jose : SAS
Edmond : SAS
Tony S : SAS...royal marines...who are they?? Hundreds pass the commando course each year..only a handful pass SAS selection...anyway...give me a Para over a marine any day..
HEXUS: Top Gun or Days of Thunder?
Jose : Top Gun
Edmond :
Top Gun
Tony S : Days of thunder
Jungle or desert?
Jose : Jungle
Edmond : Desert
Tony S: Jungle...sorts out the real soldiers
Headphones or speakers?
Jose : Headphones
Edmond : Headphones
Tony S: Speakers
HEXUS: Multiplayer or single player?
Jose : Singleplayer
Edmond :
Tony S : Single
HEXUS: Rachel Stevens or J-Lo?
Jose : J-Lo, ... both.
Edmond : J-Lo
Tony S : Rachel ..dont do J lo asses!
Real time strategy or First person shooters?
Jose : RTS
Edmond : First Person Shooters
Tony S :
Don't know what you're talking about
HEXUS: Beer or Wine?
Jose : Wine
Edmond : Wine
Tony S : Beer
HEXUS: Pringles or Hula-Hoops?
Jose : Pringles
Edmond : Pringles
Tony S : Pringles
HEXUS: Love or War?
Jose : Love
Edmond : Love
Tony S : Love ( well...making it)
HEXUS: Roast beef or flashy French stuff?
Jose : I'd rather not answer that one.
Edmond : Roast beef
Tony S : *laughs*

HEXUS: Thanks for your time!
HEXUS would like to thanks the commandos for taking time out of their busy schedule to talk with us. Although Tony didn't stick to the one word answers we certainly weren't going to argue.