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Legal loophole paves way for high street VAT-free videogames

by Steven Williamson on 21 July 2008, 12:02

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High street retailer HMV are set to roll out 250 'HMV Delivers' kiosks into stores across the country, allowing consumers to purchase goods, including videogames, totally tax free.

The scheme takes an advantage of a legal loophole that many online reatilers currently use allowing them to ship their goods from the Jersey tax haven, Guernsey, thus saving customers 17.5%.

The scheme has been critised by The Guardian who have also confirmed that Woolworths are looking a simliar scheme.

"If copied by other high-street chains and supermarkets, it could divert hundreds of millions of pounds from the Treasury," it claims.

The cheaper products won't apply to all items in store, instead the law states that retailers can only take VAT off any goods under the value of £18.

HMV dismissed the idea that the in-store scheme will cause problems, stating that it is only providing the same service that it does online. Furhermore, HMV stressed the fact that the main function of its kiosks will be to offer digital downloads and that VAT-free purchases will be restricted only to those items that are not currently available in stock.

Source :: Guardian

HEXUS Forums :: 9 Comments

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What a waste of an idea - why not let the customer complete the transaction online, then ship from the shelves to the customers hand ? That would let HMV stores competing on price AND convenience against the web retailers.
HMV are usually overpriced in-store anyway, so I doubt many games will see the “under £18” barrier and so be exempt from tax.
Quite, HMV are getting a bit desperate. I mean Blu-ray @ £30 each, and games at £50, who are they kidding.
Quite, HMV are getting a bit desperate. I mean Blu-ray @ £30 each, and games at £50, who are they kidding.

Yeah exactly. What sane person buys their blu-ray's and games from hmv? crazy :)
Free games, i want free games. if u have any games u dont want post them to the below address lol joking…..HMV are over priced thats why they are doing this, well in london anyway £45 for a xbox game wen 2 secs down the road game are doin it for £30-£35