Cultural divide
AdMob is a market leader in serving advertising onto mobile devices which, it must be noted, is in the process of being acquired by Google. Having said that, there's no reason to doubt the authenticity of a recent survey it conducted of iPhone, iPod touch, Android and WebOS users.
One of the questions it asked was which of the Kindle, iPad and iPod touch users of the three phone OSs were planning to buy in the next six months. The results were interesting for three reasons. Firstly, even iPhone users seem unconvinced about the iPad thus far, with only 16 percent of them thinking of buying one.
Secondly, there is a clear cultural divide emerging between Apple and Android users. While you might expect people who already own an Apple product to feel more inclined to buy another, the distinction between them and Android users, especially when compared to WebOS users, is profound.
Lastly, while the iPad doesn't look like being an overnight sensation, its launch doesn't seem to have done the Kindle any favours.
Another distinction between Apple and Android lies in app store behaviour. While users of the two both download around nine apps per month, Apple customers are twice as likely to pay for an app than Android users currently are.