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A thousand jobs at Amazon up for grabs in Scotland

by Sarah Griffiths on 13 January 2011, 15:23

Tags: Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN)

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Amazon has announced it is creating almost a thousand jobs at 2 locations in Scotland.

The e-tailer's 950 new roles will be based in either Dunfermline in Fife or Gourock in Inverclyde and were revealed by Scotland's first minister, Alex Salmond during question time in the Scottish Parliament, The Associated Press reported.

A local newspaper, The Dunfermline Press has reported that 750 jobs will be created when Amazon moves into a shiny 1 million square foot warehouse in Fife, that's roughly the size of 14 football pitches.

The new centre is believed to be the UK's largest for the e-tailer, which will use the base to dispatch items across the UK and Europe.

Salmond reportedly said: "Amazon's plan to create a purpose built Fulfilment Centre in Dunfermline will create over 750 jobs and deliver a very significant boost to the local economy."

The remaining 200 jobs will be up for grabs at Amazon's existing centre in Gourock and Amazon also reckons another 1,500 jobs will be created during busy periods.

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I wonder what they'll be, lots of grunt work I imagine but possibly some techie jobs will crop up (?)
E-tailer gives 2 Scottish towns a major boost.
Local press (not the one quoted) claims that Amazon are closing their existing centre in Glenrothes, so I'm wondering if this is 750 new jobs (unlikely) @ Dunfermline or how many of those 750 are going to be filled by folks from the closed centre down the road.
I wonder what they'll be, lots of grunt work I imagine but possibly some techie jobs will crop up (?)
Might be some Windows/PC bashing stuff - keeping the conveyors running, desktop support, etc. Don't think that they'll be anything more high-brow than that - after all, it's only a warehouse - albeit a big one!

Nice one Amazon! :clapping: (No sarcasm intended)
if its anything like their black Friday deals 1 person will get them all.