ScienceMark 2.0, Pifast
ScienceMark 2.0 starts off our analysis. The SB62G2's performance with a Radeon 9800 is portrayed in black and its benchmarks with the on-board video in red.
Two points. Firstly, the SB62G's memory bandwidth is a few percent lower than a tuned Canterwood's. Secondly, using on-board video knocks down available bandwidth further still, which is expected. Dual-channel chipsets rule the roost.

Latency is also higher than the comparable Canterwood's and far, far higher than the lovely on-chip Athlon 64's.

All of which translates into a close-knit field in Pifast. The SB62G2 strolls in at around 4% behind the best Canterwood going. Not too shabby for a SFF PC that's the jack of all trades.