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Review: Chillblast Fusion Voodoo SLI

by Parm Mann on 14 September 2012, 09:25 3.5

Tags: Chillblast

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabmdn

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Benchmarks: Power Consumption

The Fusion Voodoo SLI has proven to be mighty fast, but the overall picture becomes murkier from here on in. Idle power consumption is reasonable at 83 Watts, but others have shown that capable Ivy Bridge gaming machines need consume no more than 50 Watts when they're sat doing nothing.

The hefty overclock on the Core i5 processor comes at a cost, too, as it pushes under-load power consumption closer to 200 Watts.

The biggest culprit when it comes to power-draw, however, is the SLI graphics configuration. Two GeForce GTX 660 Tis do provide plenty of oomph, but they chew threw a fair amount of electricity in the process.