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Review: Chillblast Fusion Voodoo SLI

by Parm Mann on 14 September 2012, 09:25 3.5

Tags: Chillblast

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabmdn

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Benchmarks: Temperature

Modern-day CPUs have the ability to put their feet up when idle, so a reading of 31ºC shows us that Chillblast's overclocked chip is working correctly.

But again, we know that Ivy Bridge processors can run hot, and Chillblast's 47x multiplier lifts under-load temperature close to 80ºC. That's within comfortable limits, and some may appreciate the top-line speed, but we'd happily sacrifice a little overclock in favour of lower operating temperature.

No surprise here, two GeForce GTX 660 Tis in close proximity can get quite warm during gaming sessions.