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Review: Windows Millennium Edition

by David Ross on 30 June 2000, 00:00

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabw

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Readers Comments

“.. the tcp/ip stack has been greatly improved.. try download/uploading/playing quake, etc.. something to heavily stress the ipstack and then compare it to the times and or crashes in windows98. This was prolly the biggest feature upgrade and completly missed in your review. also you might wanan try playing a realaudio file.. i wasnt, and still havent been able to get the realplay to install.. this may just be me.. but.. it's kinda annoying when all my southpark episodes are in .rm format and i can't watch a damn one. Hmm also a lotta software written for 98 doesnt exactly work in me correctly the Intellipoint Point32.exe is just one that i've found so far.. boot up mirc and try clicking on a url in the channel.. Mirc will freeze. same thing happens if u click on a url in Outlook.. i dunno this could just be my experience.. but i would be interested in knowing if u have the same issues with your systems there..”

“I'm running winme also and i feel the same as you, except one thing the ms-dos prompt you said doesn't exist when i fact it does in the accessories menu in the programs menu”

“System Restore.. it works like a charm. I installed a beta copy of Direct x 8, and when it came time to remove it all I had to do was use System restore. Very easy and quick (rather then fighting DX trying to install a older version over it. System restore is quite nice, and you seem to downplay the Speed, WinMe is signifigantly faster in boot time (30%) and is noticably faster in windows (general operations, opening files, etc) maybe 10%..”

“The worst choice they made was disabling Format. Yep, you can't make a clean boot disk for bios flashing and such unless you've got an old Win98 startup disk hanging around which you can use to boot and then have the "old" Format command at your service. Try it, you'll see what I mean.”