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Review: Powerline networking - can it deliver?

by Michael Harries on 6 August 2008, 05:20

Tags: ZyXEL

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaoma

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ZyXEL device-to-device connectivity and compatibility.

Device-to-device connectivity

Doing the same placement tests as with the Corinex, and with the router and adapter located in the main test area of HEXUS.labs, the ZyXEL web utility reported connection speeds of 103Mbps transmit and 77Mbps receive.

Moving the P660HWP to the opposite end of our offices resulted in connection speeds of 43Mbps transmit and 89Mbps receive.

Running our 1080p streaming test, and with optimal positioning of the two adapters, they gave the same experience as when using gigabit ethernet, with no dropped-frames - the same as the Corinex.

Again, with the devices far apart, there was noticeable stutter, taking time to load, even though the utility reckoned there was enough bandwidth available.

Compatibility with other devices

Unfortunately, we didn't have any other HomePlug devices to hand to test cross-brand compatibility.

Whilst we can't verify compatibility, we can run through the procedures involved in configuring the devices, to see if it highlights any issues.

After manually changing the network ID on both the ZyXEL router and PLA401 adapter, the PLA401 didn't try to reconnect. Powering the devices down and restarting allowed them to connect.

In order to change the PLA401's settings from the router's web-based interface, you need the device's DAK password, which is located on the underside of the PLA401, where it plugs into the wall. This means unplugging and replugging the device before you can alter settings.

Additionally we had to enter a DAK password to reconfigure the router, despite the manual's insistence that one wasn't required. Entering the DAK password from the PLA401 allowed the changes to take effect, however.