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Review: Powerline networking - can it deliver?

by Michael Harries on 6 August 2008, 05:20

Tags: ZyXEL

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaoma

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ZyXEL setup and online gaming test

Neither utility CD bundled with the ZyXEL products would work with our system. We received an error message telling us the utility is only compatible with XP and Vista, despite us running Vista 64. Trying to run in XP compatibility mode didn't help. Not good start then.


To get our ZyXEL products to perform the same role as the Corinex product, providing a connection between the HomePlug adapter and our network, the router needed to be configured to act merely as a switch - in order to connect to our network's internet gateway.

Whilst the devices mostly reconfigured correctly, and we could get access to the other system over the HomePlug network, the DNS settings didn't set correctly (checked using ipconfig). Releasing and renewing the network configuration addressed the issue, with DNS detecting correctly, and access to the web being granted.

Online gaming performance

Whilst the ZyXEL products do not exclusively target gamers, it is likely one of the predominant uses for such a device. We loaded up an online game of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, and much like the Corinex it played without any noticeable lag. Moving the P660HWP, to the other side of our offices, still allowed a smooth, lag-free gaming experience even at the reduced connection speeds. Pretty nifty, we'd say.