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Review: Powerline networking - can it deliver?

by Michael Harries on 6 August 2008, 05:20

Tags: ZyXEL

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaoma

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Large-file transfer performance

Performance with devices located reasonably close.

To test the performance of the network connections when the devices are located in reasonably close proximity - either side of the HEXUS.labs test area - we time the transfer of a single 3.39GB HDV video file, which is repeated three times to ensure consistent results. The average time taken to complete the transfer, and from that, the average data-transfer rate are shown below.

Clearly, neither the Corinex nor ZyXEL products offer anything close to the performance of a wired Gigabit Ethernet connection.

We do, however, find the ZyXEL HomePlug AV offering higher performance when connected identically to the Corinex.