CPU Tests
The P4 Extreme Edition should do well in our CPU tests.LAME first, an application that won't show off it's impressive cache level performance.

However 3200MHz is more than enough to beat even the FX-51. A fast FPU definitely helps with LAME, the P4's MMX implementation taking the credit here.

The 3.2EE is a mighty processor and it's able to fend off even the FX-51 in Kribibench, our full software 3D renderer test.

Realstorm is happier running on AMD processors with even AMD's outgoing XP3200+ Socket A processor able to show the 3.2EE how its done (although it doesn't show up on the graphs).
A nice demonstration that software has an effect on processor performance, with not all apps running equally on the CPUs from each major vendor. What is clear is that the 3.2EE is very capable in certain apps, but that 648FX is holding it back in some respects.
Q3 to round things off.