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Review: MSI GT70 Gaming Series laptop

by Parm Mann on 24 May 2012, 09:00 4.0

Tags: MSI

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Performance - Part Two

GPU Performance

We lamented the fact that the GeForce GTX 670M is little more than last year's GeForce GTX 570M going by another name, but it remains one of the fastest mobile GPUs around and MSI's factory overclock helps eke out every last bit of performance.

The NVIDIA GPU does well to get past the 3,000 mark in 3DMark 11, and the synthetic promise translates to genuine real-world performance. Trouncing our regular gaming benchmark for laptops - Just Cause 2 at 720p with low-quality image settings - the GT70 returned an impressive 142 frames per second.

There's true gaming potential on offer here, so we decided to run a couple of games at the laptop's native 1080p resolution and returned the following results:

Benchmark Quality Settings Average FPS
Aliens vs. Predator 1,920x1,080, 0xAA, 4xAF, Low Detail 45.1
1,920x1,080, 2xAA, 8xAF, Medium Detail 31.3
1,920x1,080, 4xAA, 16xAF, High Detail 25.4
Batman: Arkham City 1,920x1,080, Low FXAA, Low Detail 58
1,920x1,080, Medium FXAA, High Detail 54
1,920x1,080, High FXAA, Extreme Detail 31
Just Cause 2 1,920x1,080, 2xAA, 4xAF, Low Detail 65.0
1,920x1,080, 4xAA, 8xAF, Medium Detail 54.9
1,920x1,080, 8xAA, 16xAF, High Detail 30.6

The GeForce GTX 670M is pushing plenty of pixels at the GT70's maximum resolution, but it copes well with modern games and delivers good overall performance - it's not everyday you see a laptop score 54 frames per second in Batman: Arkham City with high quality settings. The NVIDIA GPU will struggle when you turn quality up to maximum, often dipping below the 30 fps mark, but strike a compromise here or there and you'll find it more than capable of playing today's latest games in full-HD.

System Performance

The GT70 is enriched with a potent CPU and a strong GPU, but it's made to feel even quicker by using two 64GB SanDisk U100 SSDs joint at the hip in RAID 0. The high-speed storage configuration managed to hit read and write speeds of 649MB/s and 376MB/s, respectively, in the ATTO disk benchmark, and it ensures all of the laptop's vital components are able to operate at speed.

Taking all of these various facets into consideration to evaluate overall system performance, PCMark 7 paints a convincing picture; the GT70 is the quickest laptop in our line up by some distance.