RTCW: ET and Call of Duty
Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory- Author: id Software
- OpenGL
- Pixel and Vertex Shaders: No
- Modified Q3 engine with high-resolution textures
- FSAA and AF set via control panel
The PowerColor's poor performance can be explained by ATI's admission that the CATALYST 4.1 driver set has a problem with RTCW: Enemy Territory. So much so, that the 9600XT Bravo wouldn't run the test at 1600x1200 and 4x AA 8x AF. Even if it had done so we feel that performance would have been dire.
Call of Duty
- Author: Activision
- OpenGL
- Pixel and Vertex Shaders: No
- Heavily modified Q3 engine with high-resolution textures
- FSAA and AF set via control panel
Call Of Duty, however, is much more partial to the Bravo 9600XT. The timedemo, available here, mixes indoor and outdoor action. Settings were the maximum permissible. It's not surprising that even high-end cards struggle at the 1600x1200 test setting.