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Review: Gainward FX5200 Ultra Pro/760 XP

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 31 July 2003, 00:00 3.5

Tags: Gainward FX5200 Ultra PRO/760 XP, Gainward

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Serious Sam 2

The penultimate benchmark and one of the best for diagnosing real world performance.

We're doing nothing much here, bar showing off the difference between an unoptimised GPU than can only lay down 4 textures per pass, a pair of optimised GPU's that can do the same, but at higher clocks and with more bandwidth, and a pair of high end cards with gobs of bandwidth, clock speed and render ability. The split is clear. We'll turn on some IQ.

Much of the same, compared to the base. The PD graph will confirm that for us. Here's the big pixel test.

On to the PD graph to see our 50% drops.

You can clearly see the unoptimised nature of the baby FX, as we turn on IQ features. The bigger models in the FX lineup do a lot better, due to the extra silicon. EXPERTool enhanced, SS2 gets a nice boost, nearly 4% in total at base and around half that when IQ is enabled. Measurable performance increase from their tool. On to our final test.