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Review: PNY Verto GeForce4 Ti4400

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 14 June 2001, 00:00

Tags: PNY Verto GEFORCE4 TI4400, PNY

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qal4

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Comanche 4 Performance and Performance Conclusion

This recently new benchmark at Hexus is severely CPU limited on NV25 as you'll see. The NV25 just sits and waits on geometry and texture data to be spoon fed by the host subsystems such as CPU and memory controller. The results here should be bunched up and capped by the CPU speed.

Performance is capped at less than 35fps and is very very close across the drivers and motherboards on test. Performance only drops at 1600x1200 when CPU limitation becomes less of a limiting factor and the cards are finally made to do a little work. CPU performance is king on Comanche 4 however and we've seen this scaling all the way up to Pentium 4's at decent speed. NV25 destroys this benchmark and the PNY follows the lead of the MSI on the AT7 with very close performance illustrating no difference in the real world. An interesting benchmark to say the least and on the face of it on the test hardware, not a great graphics card benchmark.

Performance Conclusion

So what of the performance of the PNY? In all real terms, the performance is entirely identical to any other Ti4400 on the same hardware. Certain combinations may be ever so slightly different on a different motherboard with a different driver but not that you'd notice.

NV25 is more than a match for the base hardware here (one of the reasons for my imminent test system upgrade) and the PNY performs without issue, solidly and with nothing to worry about.

It's been a while since we've seen a GPU that scales so freely on current consumer hardware, all the way up to some very powerful Pentium 4 based solutions.

The PNY's performance isn't called into question at any time here and it appears in spades. Excellent performance compared to its peers, top marks.

A quick word on overclocking next and a final word before we wrap things up!