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Review: PNY Verto GeForce4 Ti4400

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 14 June 2001, 00:00

Tags: PNY Verto GEFORCE4 TI4400, PNY

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qal4

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Serious Sam 2 and Quake3 Performance

We are looking for the same things here that we saw with the previous 2 benchmarks. Close performance to the MSI/8K3A combination and a lead over Ti500 given the base platform.

We'll start with Serious Sam: The Second Encounter to kick off this new page. I use the OpenGL renderer for the test (a Direct3D version is also available) with the highest quality rendering options enabled in our 3 test resolutions.

In our first resolution the MSI/8K3A combination takes top spot by the smallest of margins from PNY/AT7 with Ti500/8K3A bringing up the rear. The GeForce3 is able to keep up here due to SS2 basically treating NV25 like NV20 in terms of rendering passes and features enabled so performance from GeForce3 and GeForce4 Ti would be identical at the same clocks. So the extra clock speed of Ti4400 on the PNY helps here. We are also, again, CPU limited with NV25 on the base hardware so performance is very close on both Ti4400's and identical in the real world.

Quake3 should show similar results. NV20 on the GeForce3 should keep up nicely with the Ti4400's here.

An even spread here with the results coming in order from all 3 cards in all 3 resolutions on all 3 test configurations. Uniform performance results make comentary quite easy! Every card since NV15 (GeForce2) has done well with Quake3 so no real surprises at all here. MSI/8K3A takes the spoils but by no appreciable real world margin. The PNY performs identically to the MSI, even across a driver change and motherboard (same chipset however) and this illustrates the similarities in performance across all Ti4400 boards and again our CPU limitation (to a lesser degree on this benchmark).

Nothing is amiss, performance is strong and everything is where it should be.

Finally, onto the Comanche 4 Demo results and a final commentary on the performance of the PNY!