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Review: Gigabyte 3DAurora 570 system chassis

by Matt Davey on 12 November 2007, 09:49

Tags: 3DAurora 570, Gigabyte (TPE:2376), PC

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaj4l

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Round the sides

Many case-makers offer variants with and without side windows but opting for a window can cost you dear. If you go for the cheaper option but later decide to go for a windowed panel, you may be able to buy one as an after-thought. However, you'll have to pay even more for it and end up with a plain panel that you probably won't need again.

Gigabyte 3D Aurora 570
Gigabyte has turned that whole idea on its head by providing mesh and Perspex options straight out of the box. More accurately, it provides one side panel - and interchangeable mesh and Perspex fittings. It's just a question of using a screw-driver to switch between them. It's a very nice touch and one that's been well implemented.
Gigabyte 3D Aurora 570

There's a dual-locking system for the side panel and the same key is used for both locks - which you may or may not think is a good thing.

What might be a problem, though, is the fact that the dual-lock arrangement means that you can't reverse the front door to hinge on the left, rather than the right.

Left and right side panels are secured with three thumbscrews a piece and the left panel has a handle to help slide it off.