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Toshiba to combat Blu-ray with...DVD?

by Parm Mann on 2 July 2008, 11:05

Tags: Toshiba (TYO:6502)

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Toshiba's HD DVD format may be dead and buried, but the wounded Japanese company is preparing to tackle Blu-ray via other means.

Following its decision to discontinue HD DVD, reports have suggested that Toshiba will be opting out of manufacturing Blu-ray players. Instead, it's been reported to focus on improving DVD players with enhanced upscaling technology.

These new-and-improved upscaling DVD players are said to bring near-HD quality to the DVD format, and could reach retail by the end of the year.

It appears, however, that improved upscaling isn't all that Toshiba has in store. At a recent DVD Forum meeting, the following logo was revealed for a newly-approved DVD format.

The exact purpose of the format, known as DVD Download DL, remains unknown. One would imagine, however, that DVD Download DL will add online features similar to those available to Blu-ray Live discs.

Toshiba could simply be clutching at straws, but, it could be onto something. DVD is the widely accepted format, and if Toshiba's upscaling technology provides a significant boost in quality, the combination of online functionality could dampen Blu-ray take-up and keep DVD going strong for many more years.

On the other hand, it could just be clutching at straws.

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Don't understand why they are wasting more money on a soon to be obsolete technology
I'm not sure I see the point, a good HD TV can upscale very well a DVD or any other SD source. Thus rendering in my opinion a stand alone box a bit redundant. As for trying to rival a native HD technology with upscaling of an SD DVD with downloadable content from the internet, I can't see it competing that well. Also if I want to find more info out about a film i'll hop on my computer / laptop and go on imdb etc. I'm not going to bother going to the download content section of the disc or however else it will work to get at the online content.
What would be smart is if they efficiently encoded 1080p content using h.264 on to standard dual layer DVD (no extras, 1 DTS/DD sound track) and then made players to play them back… Would be very cheap to make these and will have an effect on bluray…
I have a HD DVD / Blueray player at home and to be honest its over rated.
I'm not sure I see the point, a good HD TV can upscale very well a DVD or any other SD source. Thus rendering in my opinion a stand alone box a bit redundant.

My bold; that's rather the point, isn't it? There're a lot of less than brilliant HD TVs out there where the panel's OK, but the supporting components (including those used for upscaling) are a bit cack. It's a bit like the situation with TFTs, where some budget screens are awful on analogue but absolutely great on DVI. Perhaps what they're focussing on is that mass market where a good relatively inexpensive upscaling DVD player could turn a mediocre screen into a very good one?