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PS3s available in Taipei and at a great price.

by James Smith on 11 December 2006, 11:22

Tags: PlayStation 3, Sony (NYSE:SNE), PS3

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qahh2

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Demand is still strong for PS3, with crowds getting wowed at Sony's stand, by demos of Gundam: Target in sight.

Bargain Availability Availability Availability

And availability and pricing seems to be very good over here in Taipei.

The console, pictured above, was priced at 17980 NT, which equates to around £285. Games cost around £25 each and the extra pad weighs in at just over £20. Just wait to see how much more you, dear reader, if situated in the U.K., have to pay when it's finally released.

HEXUS Forums :: 3 Comments

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So did you buy a PS3 while you were over there? You could make allot of money on eBay.
3 week ago I saw the PS3 for 1500 $SG (Singaporean Dollars) when I was there for a trip… That's around 500 UK Pounds!!!

Thank God I didn't purchase it lol.. but I was so tempted ;)
So did you buy a PS3 while you were over there? You could make allot of money on eBay.

But ebay uk has stopped all sales of PS3 consoles!