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Microsoft flaunts Windows Blu-ray playback over Mac in new advert

by Pete Mason on 12 November 2010, 16:42

Tags: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Blu-ray Disc Association

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If you hadn't figured it out already, we're big fans of Microsoft's increasingly bizarre adverts promoting its various Windows products. Its latest is no exception, and might just take the title for the strangest thing that we've seen come out of Redmond in a while.

The stop-motion video features two anthropomorphic laptops - a Mac and a PC - taking a long-haul flight and looking for some way to entertain themselves. The Windows laptop decides able to watch a Blu-ray movie - "it's built in" - wowing the jealous MacBook with its impressive picture quality that makes it feel like they're "really in it". They then proceed to watch Avatar together, which also stars anthropomorphic laptops - obviously.

Of course, Steve Jobs has repeatedly decried Blu-ray, refusing to include it in any Apple computers. Instead, Jobs firmly believes that digital distribution is both the future and the present of the film industry. However, physical media still has the edge in terms of image quality, since most content online - and all of the videos currently available on iTunes - are limited to 720p resolution. This is on top of the extra compression and connection problems which can mar the experience of streaming films from the internet.

Whether or not digital distribution is the future, Blu-ray is definitely here for now. And in the meantime, we can just sit back and enjoy the increasingly bizarre videos coming from Microsoft's stranger employees.

HEXUS Forums :: 9 Comments

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While digital distribution is definitely the future of media distribution. Jobs is kinda throwing the present under a bus, so he can save a fistful of dollars on bluray players/burners and software. It's not as if they're not getting enough moolah for the bloody hardware, either.
Except, erm, it isn't built in :( Which is why we have to fork out >50ukp for playback software for HTPCs :( I'll take Windows over Mac, but please, leave the BS where it belongs!

Or add blu-ray support via a service pack or something. Yeah. Do that.
The point is it is included by most people thanks to their partner program.

MS don't make a laptop either, you have to shell out extra for that. I'm suprised they didn't try and work the 3D angle…
Except, erm, it isn't built in :( Which is why we have to fork out >50ukp for playback software for HTPCs :( I'll take Windows over Mac, but please, leave the BS where it belongs!

Or add blu-ray support via a service pack or something. Yeah. Do that.
As someone who doesnt have a blu-ray player of any sort, i have no plans to buy one principally because of the DRM / hardware / software headache requirements to get the thing to a) work and b) output consistently correctly, using my application of choice.

Ironically, it's one thing that i'm sure Apple could get right (the simple user experience).

Legal downloads need a serious push, and quick, since we all know that illegal high quality downloads are here and available now. (I know that HD videos are available, but there is limited quantity, are full of DRM, and just not easy for Joe Public to get on to their TV's).
While digital distribution is definitely the future of media distribution. Jobs is kinda throwing the present under a bus, so he can save a fistful of dollars on bluray players/burners and software. It's not as if they're not getting enough moolah for the bloody hardware, either.

Dont be daft, he'll do a complete u-turn in a year or so and then market BR as if they are reinventing the wheel again, seriously, how many times has Jobs said we dont need this that and the other, and then as if by magic, there it is in the new and improved device..