User Account Control (UAC) is a feature of Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system that aims to improve security. Unfortunately for Microsoft, UAC has become one of Vista's most talked about annoyances, and finds itself disabled by a large number of users.
Still, if security is of the utmost importance to you, and the thought of disabling UAC gives you a scare, there's now an intermediate solution.
Elevator, a freeware application developed by Martin Zugec, provides the sought-after option of an exclusion list. Simply right click your application of choice, choose 'elevate me' and hey presto, that application will then run using the highest privileges available and you'll skip right past any UAC prompts.
Sounds very handy, and we're sure the hoards of anti-UAC users are going to appreciate this one.
Head on over to Martin Zugec's blog for download links and installation instructions.