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Explore the stars with Microsoft's WorldWide Telescope

by Parm Mann on 13 May 2008, 11:23

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Microsoft Research has today launched its WorldWide Telescope, a free software application that uses terabytes of high-resolution images of the universe, stitches them all together, and creates a virtual telescope for your viewing pleasure.

Microsoft describes the application as "a state-of-the-art combination of software and Web 2.0 services". The application uses Microsoft's Visual Experience Engine, allowing for seamless panning and zooming around the universe.

It isn't just a matter of browsing images, either. Users can opt to make their observations through a variety of telescopes, including the Hubble Space Telescope, the Chandra X-Ray Observatory Centre, the Spitzer Space Telescope and others. There are also options to view the locations of planets, in the past, present, or future, and the ability to view the universe through different wavelengths of light. All mighty impressive stuff, created with help from the likes of NASA and various other academic, education and scientific communities.

Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft, said:

"The WorldWide Telescope is a powerful tool for science and education that makes it possible for everyone to explore the universe. By combining terabytes of incredible imagery and data with easy-to-use software for viewing and moving through all that information, the WorldWide Telescope opens the door to new ways to see and experience the wonders of space. Our hope is that it will inspire young people to explore astronomy and science, and help researchers in their quest to better understand the universe."

The download, weighing in at approximately 20.8MiB is available to download from worldwidetelescope.org. Have you had the opportunity to use the software? If so, share your thoughts on Microsoft's WorldWide Telescope in the HEXUS forums.

Official website: worldwidetelescope.org

HEXUS Forums :: 7 Comments

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Wow, this looks great. I'm downloading this for sure.
Very good although I was hoping for better images and being able to rotate around planets etc.
How exactly do you get it to work?

I downloaded the setupwwt.exe file, but all it does is repairs Microsoft Journal Viewer and closes :(

Have a look at Celestia available from shatters.net then follow the link to Celestia , it enables you to do just that (sorry, I tried to put a link but I wasn't allowed).

There's also lots of random add-ons at celestiamotherlode.net, incuding some good fictional dowloads from the Sci-fi world. Plus loads of help from the online community that's well worth a read, they can be a bit clcky at times but don't let that put you off.

As for World Wide Telescope it looks pretty awesome, I'm gonna have to play with this one for a while.
its disapointly limited, even for a free tool given the hype i'd expected more.