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CEBIT 2005 : A Pictorial view.

by Nick Haywood on 23 March 2005, 00:00

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabbw

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Digital systems, and stuff for the home.

CeBIT 2005 : A general round-up.

But as well as communications, we’ve got the digital equipment and system halls, displaying everything from video cameras to HDTVs, media PCs to MP3 players. Pretty much everything in the way of home entertainment was on offer, with a serious leaning towards an integrated home where everything could communicate with everything else. It’d be pretty handy if the cooker could tell the washing machine that you’d had a curry the night before, saves me shrinking the wife’s favourite jumper, at any rate.

Look, for the last time, I’m NOT David bloody Bailey, now, go away!

Samsung draws two more admirers with their ‘Posh bint gets her kit off’ rolling demo…

And you’re sure this is the same as the one used in that Paris Hilton video?

No, really, you don’t have to program it… look it says right here, “Turn on, leave alone, use when the green light come on”…

Oi! You! Second along with the dodgy facial hair! You’ll go a lot quicker if you put your feet ON the pedals!... All this technology and you still get muppets…

Excellent! Hawaii-5-0 in High Definition Widescreen! Ba ba ba ba baaa baaaaa….

To be honest, I don’t think a caption could make this picture any funnier… Proof, if it were needed, that care in the community doesn’t work…