It seems that hearty congratulations are in order to ATi Technologies’ Richard "7 of 5" Huddy who has just been promoted to ATi’s Global Head of Developer Relations.
Saucessic have suggested to HEXUS that this leg up from Rick Bergman, ATi’s Senior Vice President, PC Business Unit, has been on the cards for some time now.
However some latency in the deal seems to have occurred because Rick ‘swinging’ Bergman, had been absent from his daily duties at ATi’s offices in Ontario due to filming commitments in Warner Bros forthcoming Brian Singer movie, ‘Superman Returns’, in which mild-mannered Rick is believed to portray the Man of Steel’s alter ego Clark Kent.
Mr. Huddy, or ‘Lord Huddy’ as he’s often introduced by Chris Hook, ATi’s Head of EuroWorld spin, appeared in the computer game Max Payne as a scientist with plans for a global dominatrix half-his age.

‘Lord Huddy’ certainly seems to be ‘living the dream’...
Until recently Richard Huddy kept an Aston Martin at his estate in Surrey, and as his promotion is unlikely to have come without a significant increase in wedge, we look forward to hearing the details about his next ride… However, we suspect that when ageing Richard’s sweet young girl-friend Tina returns from the sweet-shop, Richard could have a large, nicely buffed surprise ready for her...
It’s believed that Darryl Still, who runs the developer relations group for NVIDIA in Europe and EMEA, has not yet sent a congratulations card to Richard, and it’s unknown whether Daryl will catch this evening's post.
Important - Please would everyone note that Richard Huddy insists that he had nothing to do with the leaking of the DOOM 3 Alpha a few years back. Nothing whatsoever.

More can be redsic about Richard Huddy right here on HEXUS.