MSI turn up the heat...literally

Whilst the rest of the world and their keyboards are doing their level best to keep their PC as cool as possible, MSI are doing the opposite. Sitting in the middle of their stand was an oven. Nope, this was not being used to keep the press people fed and happy, this was cooking of a whole different nature, a motherboard was on the menu.

As you can see, 68 degrees was the temperature of choice and it was still running, doing a whole heap of burn in tests for passers by.

It was quite impressive; alas it was only the main board, memory, CPU and GPU in there, after all someone with some sense obviously managed to talk them out of putting the power supply in there too.
To be honest, MSI couldn't have thought of a better thing to have on their stands, as people routinely stood near it just to warm up after being in the Hanover blizzard-like conditions outside....toasty!