NVIDIA holding back an Ultra G70?

NVIDIA holding back an Ultra G70?
NVIDIA's G70 graphics processor, likely to be bound up in a range of products carrying GeForce 7 branding, may have an Ultra version waiting in the wings, to counter any ATI high-end product launch. Current speculation, in advance of an announcement, points to there being GeForce 7800 GT and GeForce 7800 GTX products on launch, with the GTX moniker said to replace the Ultra branding NVIDIA have used for so long, as the flagship SKU.
This hack smells a rat with that suggestion, and I get the distinct impression from talking to certain industry insiders at Computex that they're holding back a no-holds-barred Ultra SKU, packed with 512MiB of framebuffer and clocks to shame the GTX, while they wait and see what ATI push out with their R520 graphics processor.
The irony is that ATI are likely to do something very similar with their PRO, XT and XT PE variants of whatever product R520 will end up powering. My money is on X900.