Crossfire still months away?

Crossfire still months away?
While most of the graphics talk at Computex centres on ATI's Crossfire, it could be months before the consumer can buy it. Talking to an ATI board partner revealed that while it's on show at Computex, it's on show using engineering sample silicon and a driver that's not quite ready, and they fully expect it'll be sometime in July before they have final product to push out and a driver to rely on. That pushes retail availability possibly into August. So while they've announced it and the usual suspects wrote it up, it'll probably be a month before those usual suspects have a review platform and proper sampling.
For a company like ATI, it'd be mad to have a quiet Computex, so we can see the rationale behind a media push for Crossfire this early, just be prepared to have a little longer than you'd like to save those pennies to buy the hardware.