There's another web browser in town. A little over a week ago, Microsoft officially rolled out the first stable build of its Chromium-based update, dubbed simply the new Microsoft Edge.
With a trendy icon in tow, the overhauled browser promises to deliver "world-class performance with more privacy, more productivity, and more value while you browse." Initial feedback from reviewers has been positive, and with the once-humble browser having transformed into one of the world's most widely-used apps, Microsoft is under pressure to deliver an experience that lives up to the expectations of both developers and consumers alike.
Getting off to a strong start is vital, and though the update isn't expected to roll-out automatically to Windows 10 for several months, those inclined to get a move on can manually download the new Microsoft Edge for Windows or MacOS at
We've no doubt some of the HEXUS readership has already put the software through its paces, so for this week's question let us ask: first impressions of Microsoft's Edge Chromium browser? Share your thoughts using the comments facility below.