Can exercise really be fun?
It's out today folks, and it seems that every man and his dog will be jumping up and down, jogging, squatting and gyrating their hips tonight as pre-orders of Wii Fit were snapped up long before today’s launch date.Despite the steep asking price of £69.99, it hasn’t phased those gamers keen to shed a few pounds over the summer and many online outlets have already sold out of their allocation. Don’t worry though. If you want to join the fitness crowd, you should easily be able to pick up a copy at your local store. That’s if Nintendo has produced enough copies to cope with demand.
There's a little game by the name of Grand Theft Auto IV due out in a matter of days and although that will no doubt be number 1 in the coming weeks, we've a sneaky suspicion that Wii Fit will be shifting units for a couple of years
Wii Fit comes bundled with the Wii Balance Board, a pressure sensitive, wireless balance board that goes on the floor – so someone can stand on it in front of the TV. It senses weight and shift in balance in any direction and therefore by standing on the Wii Balance Board during activities allows players to follow along to movements ensuring they have full control of the on-screen activities. This allows personal improvement goals to be set to effectively help you and your family to train and stay fit...
There are 4 training categories including Aerobic Exercises, Muscle Workouts, Yoga and Balance Games that will help you and your family to develop bodily balance control ability, burn fat in the body, help tone and condition muscles, as well as help increase aerobic stamina. Discover over 40 different activities within these training categories such as Hula Hoop, Ski Jump, Press-up Challenge, Rhythm Boxing, Rowing Squat, Lunge and classic Yoga poses such as Half Moon, Tree and Crocodile Twist.

Through Wii Fit’s training programme, helpful tutorials and encouragements from your on-screen fitness trainer, who will change his or her verbal instructions depending on how you actually perform, and the included Wii Fit Channel, you will continue to have endless fun whilst having the satisfaction of knowing you are aiding yourself, and your family, on towards a path of a healthier lifestyle.
Can exercise really be fun? We’re about to find out.