Ringtone rogues get their comeuppance
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Recent research (1) shows that over 85% of mobile phone users purchasing a ringtone during the past year have done so because they want to personalise their phone. But, Richard Miles, from Xingtone says that “we’re allowing ourselves to have the wool pulled over our eyes.”
“The vast majority of us not only pay £3.00 to £4.50 for an indistinguishable ringtone but find we’re stung for the subsequent updates and offers that only come to light when our monthly phone bill hits the mat.”
“I have nothing against buying a ringtone if I could just preview it and know what I was getting,” says Miles, “but what really infuriates me is the frequent use of hidden opt-out clauses which lead us to believe we’re buying a single tone when in fact we’re allowing them to constantly charge us week after week.”
http://www.xingtone.co.uk allows people to personalise their mobile phone using digital tracks they already own, or even audio clips of their friends and family, to create a unique ringtone. There are no hidden costs and no annual fees; you only pay for what you want. “You choose the music track, you choose which part of that track you want to capture and we send it to your mobile. It’s as simple as that,” says Miles.
All consumers need to do is to go to http://www.xingtone.co.uk
· Download the free software
· Select a favourite track or home recording
· Highlight 20 to 30 seconds to save as a ringtone
(options incl. fade in and fade out)
· Press send to transfer it to the phone via text
· Each data transmission costs just £1.50
Alternatively, people can purchase the software at leading retail outlets including PC World, Amazon, Staples, The Apple Store, and Dabs.com for £14.99. They receive the first 15 transmissions for free and any additional transmissions will cost just £1.00.
With such a wealth of digital music available on the web Richard Miles hopes that http://www.xingtone.co.uk will rid us of unoriginal ringtones and rip-off marketing tactics. He stands firm on the ‘war against the frog’ and has invested his support in the national picket-lines taking place across all major university towns including Birmingham, Bristol, Bournemouth and London. Further ‘offensive tactics’ http://www.xingtone.co.uk intend to take include providing journalists with the weapons they deem necessary to kill off this evil green phenomenon.
“Mallets will be our choice of weapon with balaclavas as the only form of defence” roars the commander in chief Richard Miles. “Be brave my lonely warriors and stomp these ringtone rogues out for all of eternity!”